The Chikondra Trilogy
Guardian Redeemed
The project to gain Earth’s ratification into the Dil-Terra Interplanetary Alliance has stalled. Doubts assail renowned Chikondran diplomat, Minister Warnach Sirinoya, when he meets Sandra Warner, the young Terran administrative specialist assigned to help steer the massive project back on course. Never could he have imagined their first rocky encounter would alter the direction of his life, ushering him from private turmoil and personal disgrace. Neither could he have dreamed that she would inexplicably draw him into legendary mysteries on his own world.
Sandra Warner strives to prove herself while refusing to allow her family’s disapproval or tragic events to derail her goal of building a diplomatic career. Intelligent, driven, and sensitive, she surprisingly finds empathy with the difficult Minister Sirinoya. Two people from different planets and dramatically diverse backgrounds balance unexpected turns in their relationship with cultural differences, demanding careers, lofty dreams, and personal sorrows, all woven into a fascinating tapestry of fear and conflict, triumph and love.
[The author’s] exceptional talent for developing characters and scenes in the story, along with a very keen sense for just the right amount of detail, helped to create very vivid images in my mind.
The characters are meticulously developed…