The Chikondra Trilogy

Whispers From Prophecy

The Dil-Terra Interplanetary Alliance faces increasing interference into its affairs from the elusive Zeterons. Many officials in the galactic union refuse to accept the idea of Zeteron infiltration despite enemy plots and tactics that grow both more obvious and more menacing. While contending with doubters inside the organization’s own ranks, Alliance leadership must rely more heavily than ever on its dedicated diplomatic corps to prevent widespread destabilization and maintain tenuous peace.

Senior Field Minister Warnach Sirinoya undertakes one critical assignment after another. Mission perils assume new and daunting risks. A succession of disastrous incidents forces Warnach to reassess his lifelong dedication to an auspicious career. Can he possibly find the necessary inner fortitude to continue the vocation now threatening his newfound personal peace?

Confronted by unrelenting doubts and fears, he looks to his newly assigned advocate, Sandra Warner, for answers and finds relief from his burdens and balm for his spirit in her unswerving support. Full of fresh optimism and energy, Sandra focuses her attention on building a new life and a promising future in diplomacy. Career and personal demands arise to challenge her intelligence, her determination, and her faith. She also gives him something to ponder…a greater mystery than he can ever hope to comprehend.

As Sandra welcomes more frequent visits from angel spirits, disturbing questions mount for Sirinoya and his family. How is it possible that Chikondra’s most rare and sacred creatures have chosen to communicate with a Terran. More importantly, why?

The saga found in this series is rich with action – keeps one engrossed to the very end of the book, and eagerly awaiting more.

[The author’s] exceptional talent for developing characters and scenes in the story, along with a very keen sense for just the right amount of detail, helped to create very vivid images in my mind.

The characters are meticulously developed…


reader reviews

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The saga found in this series is rich with action - keeps one engrossed to the very end of the book, and eagerly awaiting more. Valencia has great skill in describing the setting which makes you feel like you are right there with the action. Gifted author indeed!
Writer’s Digest
Writer’s Digest
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Gorgeous cover! (The author) has created a complex and fully imagined world. Descriptions of settings and characters are wonderfully vivid. I like the political side of the story as well.
Maincrest Media Review
Maincrest Media Review
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A story of love and politics, Whispers from Prophecy: Love Bear the Challenge follows lovers from two completely different worlds as they fall in love and do everything in their power to remain unified, despite challenges from their families. The journey which took Sandra from her Terran world to Chikondra with a different culture and religion; and her husband, who will do everything in his power to make sure that his wife’s life is not hindered by their family’s negligence, shows how strongly the characters’ interests are in protecting their relationship. So, when enemy forces infiltrate Chikondra, it will take everything they have to conquer, and with the birth of Morcai, Nadana is left to wonder if the prophecies she’s read about her entire life are indeed true. Themes of politics, spirituality, and suspense result in a fascinating adventure where love prevails. Filled with emotional displays and surprising revelations, Whispers from Prophecy examines the price of love as the unknown becomes significant.
Readers' Favorite
Readers' Favorite
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Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite Whispers from Prophecy is the second book in the fascinating and conceptual The Chikondra Trilogy, penned by author Sandra Valencia. Subtitled Love Bear the Challenge, this adult-content book continues the meaningful relationship of Sandra Warner, now taking on her husband’s last name, Sirinoya. As she and the Field Minister navigate their own new relationship, Warnach’s position and mission are in jeopardy as tensions and rebellion loom on the fringes of the galactic union. As Warnach wavers, Sandra grows and thrives in her new role, discovering innovations and new connections that inspire her husband to rethink his doubts about his vocation. It is Sandra’s inquisitive mind that might just get them through it all. Pairing politics, fantasy elements, family ties, and personal relationships is not an easy feat, but author Sandra Valencia brings the same art of balance to this second Chikondra Trilogy novel as she did to the first. Sandra and Warnach’s bond is more powerful than ever, interspersed with inspiring phrases that elevate their romance beyond the physical into a true spiritual and intellectual connection, which is always refreshing to see. As this intimacy plot weaves in and out of the storyline, the political ideas and new mysteries of the current plot come to the fore, where the excitement really hots up as Sandra makes new connections and reveals some secrets that bring about new characters, alliances, and dangers. Overall, Whispers from Prophecy: Love Bear the Challenge continues an already excellent series with new and innovative plot ideas, as well as solid character development.